School of National Culture and Art
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Party committee secretary Rong Shanhe and dean Yang Jianbo of Tongchuan Vocational And Technical College visited the Art Museum for study and exchange.

On November16th ,party committee secretary Shanhe Rong and dean Jianbo Yang of Tongchuan VocationalAndTechnical College visitedtheArt Museum of Xianyang VocationalAndTechnical College with the group, accompanied by party committee secretary Congbo Liu and dean Cun Zhang of our college. Secretary Shanhe Rong and others were very interesting in visiting the series works ofScenic Grain Art,and praised it. In recent years ,Xianyang VocationalAndTechnical College positively inheritedtraditionalart with the development of Scenic Grain Art Museum, and develop activities among schoolyard,textbook,classroom and masters of Arts and Crafts. There are good reviews from all sectors of society.

Tel:029-33680120    Address:TongYi Road,Fengxi New City,New District of West Ham,Xi'an,Shaanxi